
Apply Now – 2024 The state-funded scholarships at University of Freiburg, Germany



The state-funded scholarships of the State Graduate Funding (LGF) are awarded for the promotion of highly qualified junior researchers. The universities are responsible for awarding scholarships under the Act on Graduate Funding of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LGFG).


Eligibility for Funding

Eligible for funding are doctoral candidates of all faculties.


Type of Funding

Scholarship (without employment relationship)
Tax-free, not subject to compulsory social security contributions

Amount of Funding

Scholarship in the amount of 1,300 euros per month (including an allowance for material costs and travel expenses). Scholarship holders with children receive an additional amount of 300 euros per month for one child, and an additional 100 euros for every further child.

Period of Funding

Regular scholarships: The maximum duration of funding is three years. As a rule, the scholarships are granted for three years. Before the end of the first and the second year, the scholarship holder must submit an interim report on their doctoral thesis proposal as well as an evaluation by the responsible supervisor of the doctorate to the Central Grants Commission. If, on the basis of the interim report and the evaluation, timely progress of the doctoral thesis is not apparent, the scholarship may be revoked.
The start of the scholarship is always 1 October or 1 November of each year.

The regular LGFG scholarships support doctoral candidates who are in the initial phase of their doctoral studies. No more than 18 months must elapse between being accepted as a doctoral candidate and submitting the application.

Fourth year of scholarship: In justified cases, the funding period can be extended by a maximum of one year to a maximum of four years in total upon successful application. A justified case exists in particular if the scholarship holder has to care for a child under the age of fourteen or a relative in need of care, or is significantly restricted in their work on the doctoral project due to non-temporary or chronic health impairments. The application must be accompanied by suitable evidence of the reason for the extension claimed.

Scholarship for the completion of the doctorate: Doctoral candidates who plan to submit their doctoral thesis at the end of the winter semester and need funding for the completion of the doctorate. Funding period of up to five months between 1 August and 31 December.

Application Process

The scholarships are announced once a year. Usually in February/ March/ April. Your complete application documents (see list and link below) must be submitted in duplicate within the application period to the Graduate Centre (GraCe) at Freiburg Research Services:

I. One version as a PDF file via e-mail


II. One wet-inked signed printed version sent by post or submitted personally


Any applications received after this deadline can unfortunately not be considered.

Please make sure to be informed as early as possible about the dates of your faculty’s doctoral committees and to apply at an early stage in order to receive your certificate of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from your home faculty in good time, as the process can take up to several months.

The Central Grants Commission meets in June/July to decide on the applications received. Immediately after the decision, we will send you a notification stating whether your application has been granted and for how long. Once all formalities have been completed, you will always receive your scholarship at the beginning of the month.


Please note: If you will be in an employment relationship with the University of Freiburg while receiving the scholarship or if you plan to enter into an employment relationship with the university during this period, you must notify the Human Resources Department of the scholarship as early as possible.

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